

Hi, how are you?

You don’t look stunning in that outfit. Neither will I.

Sorry to have made you do this and that.

I’m not going to patronize you for that matter.

I have enough judgment for today myself.

And I got nothing to do with your friggin problems.

We only met cuz I need some warmth.

While you were doing whatever it was you were doing.

Tell you what? I won’t sue you cuz you didn’t say hi.

I know that being the only one who earns,

You need to pay your parents’ mortgage,

Or your youngest siblings will start school next week.

Guess what? I had flat tires this morning.

And I didn’t even bother to yell at those scumbags who were staring at my pair of boobs that don’t even have the decency to fill half of my AA cup sized bra.

Though I’m not trying to overthrown you,

We both had a fierce day today.

So let’s just smile to each other.

Here’s 20 thou. Keep the change.

Now, give me my donnuts.

Have a nice day!


Gambir, March 26, 2007.


pencil nor pen




you belong to me

See the pyramids around the Nile

Watch the sun rise

From the tropic isle

Just remember darling

All the while

You belong to me

See the market place

In old Algiers

Send me photographs and souvenirs

Just remember

When a dream appears

You belong to me

And I'll be so alone without you

Maybe you'll be lonesome too

Fly the ocean

In a silver plane

See the jungle

When it's wet with rain

Just remember till

You're home again

You belong to me

Oh I'll be so alone without you

Maybe you'll be lonesome too

Fly the ocean

In a silver plane

See the jungle

When it's wet with rain

Just remember till

You're home again

You belong to me

-lagu ciptaan pee wee king, chilton price dan redd stewart yg awalnya dinyanyikan oleh sue thompson, dan di kemudian hari dipopulerkan oleh banyak orang, mulai dari bob dylan sampai seorang kakek bernama sherman pore-

entah kenapa akhir-akhir ini cukup sering denger lagu ini. mulai sering denger lagi sejak audisi american idol 6. waktu itu ada kakek yang nyanyiin lagu ini as a tribute for his recently passed away wife. nama si kakek kalo nggak salah sherman pore. sempat rada merinding juga waktu ngedenger si kakek itu nyanyi. mungkin efek dari background story of why he chose to sing this song in front of the judges. namun, dari sekian banyak versi, paling suka sama versi vonda shepard. mungkin karena si mbak vonda kalo nyanyi bisa bikin suasana hati jadi mellow. hahahaha.

dulu waktu di sumatera, saya punya lagu kebangsaan yang harus saya dengarkan tiap kali merasa mellow dan rindu kampung halaman, yaitu home-michel buble. sayangnya, lagu kebangsaan saya itu banyak dicolong oleh para rekan kerja di sumatera yang juga kaum perantau seperti saya. walhasil saya jadi jenuh karena lagu kebangsaan saya jadi pasaran. sekarang, saya memilih mengganti lagu kebangsaan saya itu. kalo masih belum ngeh juga. ya, lagu ini. you belong to me versi vonda shepard.


(not really) waiting in vain

today i spent almost all day at the hospital waiting for my cousin in labor. she was admitted to puri cinere at 7 pm yesterday evening and at this very moment she’s still gazillion hours away from seeing her baby girl. the waiting was pretty much like rachel’s on friends. literally gazillion babies have been delivered from various wombs since the moment she arrived until this very moment. imagine that! frustratingly exciting.


it was somewhat an experience, nevertheless. this has been the most appreciated waiting i have ever done. i saw anxious faces turning into relieved glistening faces. mothers turning into grandmothers. fathers become grandfathers. men and women altered into parents. what could be more adorable than to see a father walking from the waiting room to the babies’ room back and forth for a thousand times, looking as if he was about to tell just about everybody he met that he just had a baby?


one day, with the right sperm and the right moment, i might want this too.