
hippity hop

schippol, schippol,
how are you?
oh, sorry..
i thought it’s you!

hasanuddin international airport.
18 september 2008.
5ish pm WITA

6 komentar:

asri saraswati mengatakan...

we should make a hollywood moment there. seperti stasiun subway NY. will consult our movie critic.

sourdays sourdays mengatakan...

airports conjure up way too many things

Chika & Muti mengatakan...

can't agree more with you!

neurotic freeloader mengatakan...

yahhh.. aku juga terkejut ketika pertama kali melihatnya.. kupikir aku naik lufthansa dan mendarat di mana hahahahahahaha *NGARTAL.. NGARep toTAL*

neurotic freeloader mengatakan...

yes.. being the autistic me who always enjoy traveling alone than in groups, i fantasize about stuffs here.. including some kinky scene i would make when i'm rich enough to build my own mega adultinteractiveentertainment company that will bring vivid down..

dan lucu juga lion air dapet tempat strategis ini.. kupikir semua sudah dimonopoli garuda..

neurotic freeloader mengatakan...

lihat jawaban untuk sourdays.. mungkin kita bisa berpartner hehehehehehe:)