not really like what i have expected, but at least the most entertainment i got from watching alice was to see colleen atwood's designs for alice's dresses. she did so many costumes for tim burton, from edward scissorhand to sweeney todd. but this was by far her best designs. these designs even out beat the ones she made for sweeney todd. brava, colleen! and i have to admit that i think it's very precise to choose avril lavigne to sing the soundtrack, almost alice, as she is exactly who i had in mind seeing all those girlie gothic dresses.
as i love stripes, my most favourite dress was the one mad hatter made when he shrunk alice and put her inside his teapot (then took her on his hat). it was a slightly different version, much neater version of the one alice was using when entering underland. unfortunately i couldn’t find the picture of that dress anywhere on the net. it's the one with the flower on the right chest.

i think the alice a.k.a um from umbridge dress is also gorgeous. and the black-red laced fabrics used as bandage on her right arm to cover the wound she got from the bandersnatch made the dress even more perfect. i think it is also everybody's favourite.
yet, i do think that the dress she wore when she was in the white queen castle looked too eastern-ish if not misplaced. of all the gothic designs along the movie, i think this dress should be taken out. not saying that it is not lovely, it's just it is rather slumdog millionaire-ish instead of burton-ish. too bad i couldn’t find the clear picture of this dress too.
anyway, it is a good exercise for your brain, to see all those art details in the movie. unfortunately, failed to be dug deeper to be matched with the plot and the original through the looking glass' book. but i'll do a review on the movie later than sooner. *kalo nggak males, ya*.
7 komentar:
i don't like it too... it's not Burton-ish at all! the whole movie... except the White Queen and Mad Hatter :D
white queen was said to be the embodiment of nigella lawson.. though i found her more annoying than interesting.. nowhere near nigella.. except for the accent..
Nigella? reallyy? She is sort of queeny.. But.. But.. But *failedtofindwords*
ak blon liat swas....
swiny: kata tim burton begitu..
yas: liat dehhh.. grafisnya bagusss.. gothicnya dapet.. eerienya dapet.. chidlikenya dapet.. sayang pilihan scenenya tlalu mainstream.. it's like watching narnia ato herpot.. mgkn salahnya lewis carrol yg bkn cerita tlalu mainstream alurnya.. mgkn sejak pacaran sama hbc, tb jd nggak secemerlang dulu lagi.. entahlah..
tentang avril lavigne, setuju banget. soundtracknya juga. White queennya.. aduh! anne hathway ndak seharusnya di situ.. :(
sbnrnya sih pgn ngliat penyanyi baru yg ngisi soundtracknya.. maksudnya bkn yg udah mainstream spt avril, gitu..
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