
we could

have dogs and feed them biscuits
then curl ourselves up on the couch
you, with we on playstation
me, with cooking mama on nds
ignore each other till we're 62

guess it would be okay;
as long as we do it together.

4 komentar:

soen dari mengatakan...

dogs biscuits are expensive, all for pets are expensive, the pets themselves are even more expensive *keluhan lumrah kalo lagi bokek* :-p
as long as we do it together <-- kata wong jowo biyen, mangan gak mangan sing penting kumpul. kata wong jowo saiki, kumpul gak kumpul sing penting mangan. kata wong jowo besok2, ben kumpul kudu mangan :-p

neurotic freeloader mengatakan...

beli khong guan aja.. jd ekonomis secara finansial maupun filosofikal.. hehe.. bs buat manusia maupun hewan.. harga pun tjangkau..

AmL sLh mengatakan...

Sounds.. ideaL enough for me

SaLam kenaL :)

asri saraswati mengatakan...

aaaw aku ikutan