
by the way's (14)

the new spiderman casts really bug me. peter parker is an awkward poor uncool kid. not a witty hipster. although i am sure the people at marvel would not have guessed that in 2012 the cool kids all want to dress like the nerds. the cynics -that's me- and they refer to them and themselves as hipsters. like joseph gordon levitt. zooey deschanel. michael cera. ellen page. the icons of hipsterdom. they did not realize what they have done to the real uncool kids. yep. characters assasination. now. i know grown-ups are not supposed to put people in boxes. and i never classify myself as indie or mainstream because frankly i love both worlds. and although i am sad to see these superficial uncool kids roaming about becoming the person they are not, i am not going to condemn them. i can just wish that they would consider how the real uncool kids, the poor kids and the ugly kids would feel.

give the less cool and uncool more space. and more chance. because they will not be bill gates or steve wozniaks, if the steve jobs are keep stealing the originalities.

so. i know that tobey is too old for peter parker, but i would not enjoy a trendy peter parker.



right now, you are my only happiness
that i need not share with anybody else
; which i am most grateful for.


by the way's (13)

i know that brave is supposed to be somewhere in scotland, but the castle really looked like the castle of methoni in greece.



he looks at life as a privilege.

they look at life as a right.

i look at life as a curse.


just a thought

they spent three intense days in a conference to talk about democracy. but, frankly, it surprised me, that for somebody who came from a country who recently experienced a revolution did not make a connection between whether or not they need the revolution. or whether it was a fed revolution or a real one. did egypt really need a revolution? was their leader really corrupted? not only financially, but more important than money is ideology. was he? did libya or yemen or syria needs a revolution? or did some other country(ies) need sources to pay their invisible (or a non-admitted) debt. libya for sure was (and hopefully still is) the richest african country, thanks to muammar gadaffi. why would they need a revolution? the most ancient reason for war is economy. if there is nothing wrong in a country's economy, why would it need a revolution? were they forgot that iran and uganda was fed with the same pattern to make them start a revolution and it failed, because apparently, iran and uganda still have a firmer conviction and sovereignty over their countries. or in the believers words, god still protects them.


i think the world needs to wake up, that it is true that once some centuries ago european and northern american countries were the world's power source. but, this is a new century, where things are borderless, and everything should therefore inevitable to be equal. so, why not let asian and african countries to be the next best things? we were after all the ones with the more brains and muscles.


then i realistically go back to the reality, that the conference was paid by one of the european countries. let them say what they think they know. may god have mercy upon us all.


insha allah.



tuhan, masih ingat aku kan? maaf aku jarang datang. kadang aku lupa denganmu. sungguh. ini bukan pledoi yang sok dramatis. atau ratapan galau. aku memang akhir-akhir ini sering tidak memikirkanmu. terima kasih karena sudah memberiku banyak hal yang kubutuhkan. tetapi, kapan kira-kira kau memberiku sesuatu yang kuinginkan? walaupun memang sudah lama aku tidak ingin apa-apa lagi. dan, ya, kau pasti sudah tahu kenapa kali ini aku datang lagi. tepat. aku ingin agar engkau membuatnya bahagia. aku gagal melakukannya. kau tahu aku sendiri banyak urusan. dia akan lebih baik dan bahagia jika aku tidak ada di dalam hidupnya. aku tidak lebih tahu darimu tentang apa atau siapa yang terbaik baginya. tetapi, jika kami hanya menambah beban kami masing-masing, tolong kurangkan atau bahkan hilangkan kami dari semesta kami masing-masing. aku dari dia dan dia dariku. jangan libatkan kami ke dalam hal-hal yang mustahil bagi kami. jika kau memang sebaik yang selalu kami coba sangkakan, maka setiap pilihanmu untuk kami pastilah yang terbaik di antara yang baik. dan satu lagi, jika inilah pilihanmu untukku dan untuknya, limpahi kami dengan keteguhan hati dan keikhlasan untuk menjalani pilihanmu. berkahi kami dengan keyakinan bahwa yang kusut akan terurai, yang buram akan menjelas, serta yang kusam akan bersinar. bahwa semua akan baik-baik saja. karena kami bersandar kepadamu.



when it comes back to you, it is yours.
when it does not, it was never yours.


lay low

hey, shrek.

could u probably give me a hint where can i live in the deep forest where it is far and no humans would dare to go there? i would have gone to scotland and asked the lochness for an advice and tricks to stay unspotted had i known how to swim. besides, its lake is always crowded with tourists and yellow page tabloids people. publicity is the first thing i would want to avoid ever.

if u get this message, inbox me.

a fellow ogre.



kau menyadarkanku kembali ke kenyataan terburuk tentang kita. bahwa tidak semua yang kita inginkan pasti akan kita dapatkan. terlepas dari banyak hal tentangmu yang belum berterima dengan hidupku dan segala aspeknya; ternyata, membayangkan kehilanganmu cukup menyakitkan. dan untuk saat ini, aku tidak ingin terlalu memikirkannya. aku hanya ingin menikmati setiap waktu dan jedanya denganmu. selagi aku masih bisa.

biarlah hari buruk itu datang tanpa terduga. reaksiku ketika saat itu tiba, itulah reaksi terbaikku untuk hidup tanpamu. tak perlu skenario.

insya allah, semua akan baik-baik saja.



memacarimu ternyata memerlukan lebih dari sekadar jiwa dan ragaku. semuanya harus kupertaruhkan di atas meja. hampir seluruh waktuku. keberanianku. ketakutanku. kesombonganku. kerendahandiriku. keyakinanku. keraguanku. dan entah apa lagi.

kartu mana lagi yang harus kumainkan? bandar seperti apa yang harus kupercaya?

aku hanya tidak ingin kalah lagi.



i do not normally like australians or australia. but, i can always make room for something i grew up with. phil collins' songs are among them.



setelah sekian lama sejak aku kau tepis, kau duduk dan makan bersamaku. hanya kita. tanpa jengah.

lima tahun sejak kau secara sengaja mengikisku dari hidupmu, kau sapa aku untuk berbincang sejenak. berdua saja. tanpa luka.

tidak akan pernah mudah bagiku. tapi, kau tidak perlu tahu itu.