dogday afternoon.. almost midnite, malah
sebuah percakapan bodoh antara kakak dan adik.
adik: siapa tuh, nama anjingnya cici? sing ireng iku.
kakak: sopo, yo? aku lali.
adik: dina! iyo. dina. *dengan setengah berteriak.*
kakak: o iyo. dina sama boi.
adik: kirik kok jenenge dina. mesakke.
kakak: mending. timbangane kucing jenenge mobili.
adik: mobili iku unik. nggak ada kucing lain yang namanya mobili. apalagi bolidut.
kakak: opo meneh iku. mbok pikir kucinge gak isin?
adik: malah bangga. namanya istimewa. nggak ada yang nyamain.
kakak: isin.
insiden II
bermaksud memperluas pengetahuan dengan belajar memasak di rumah kawan. seorang manusia dengan baju hitam celana hitam dan tas hitam pulang terlalu malam. dua ekor mahkluk lain penasaran. satunya hitam. satunya putih.
manusia: *dalam hati* waduh, kok perasaanku gak enak ndelok kirik-kirik iku.
anjing: apa ya yang hitam-hitam itu? jangan-jangan maling? datengin, yuk.
manusia: *dalam hati* asu.. kirike kok podo mrene? males dijenggongi ik!
anjing: hoi.. hoi.. mbak.. mas.. manusia.. maling bukan? heh! hoi.. hoi!
manusia: *dalam hati* dasar kirik! ngalingi ae ik! dobol! jenggong terus sisan. sumpek, ngreti?
anjing: *sembari menggigit-gigit bagian bawah celana si manusia* hoi.. manusia! ditanyain kok diem aja! sombong bener, dah!
manusia: *dalam hati* waduh.. kok sikilku dicokot! asu ik! *menarik-narik kaki supaya celana tidak terus-terusan digigiti si anjing*
tiba-tiba terdengar bunyi "brett." si manusia berdoa bahwa itu adalah suara kentutnya. sembari terus menarik-narik kakinya dari gigitan si anjing.
anjing: heh! ditanyain kok diem aja! ya, sudah, sana pergi!
manusia: *dalam hati sambil menyebrang jalan* kok tungkakku teles-teles perih to?
lalu si manusia mengangkat kakinya.
manusia: jangkrik! asu kirik! clonoku suwek ik! diileri sisan! nasib-nasib! *bersungut-sungut seraya naik ke dalam angkot*
insiden III
seorang kakak mendapat sms dari adiknya.
kakak: *membaca dalam hati* wingi aku dicokot kirik. gak luka, tapi clonoku suwek trus akeh ilere kirik.
adik: *dalam hati* pasti dia nertawain aku. mungkin aku kualat sama si dina. wingi kan kirike mirip karo dina. ireng.
moral of the story:
jangan pernah ngrasani. what you get is what you give in return. it will backfire.
ada gunanya punya celana persis sama dua biji. kita tidak pernah tahu kapan kita bertemu mahkluk-mahkluk penasaran. khususnya yang ilernya massive.
wisata kampung tua edisi pecinan jaya
time traveling: a birthday present for myself (part 2)
This is a tribute for my birthday. I decided to write myself something. A scientific art.
I was never a science fanatic. I got 3 for physics and 4 or 5 for chemistry in high school. But I have always been a big fan of Einstein works. Not because spiritually I feel that many of his thoughts are essentially true. I agreed on not only his famous theory on relativity, but also his thoughts on education, human behavior, religion and even God. Don’t hop on to other blog just yet. Listen –or skim through– on what I have got to say.
As I was saying, I was never good at understanding numbers or any kinds of formula. Hand me an algebra problem in numbers and I would rather turn myself in for a gazillion hours of social service. However, I do like Einstein’s works. I admire how his imagination brought him discovering the most talked about theory throughout the centuries. Still, I will never be able to fully grasp any of his works without the help of articulate physicists like Michio Koku or Paul Nahin. They made me realize how applied physics are actually intriguing. And among Einstein’s works I am very much impressed with his theory about space and time as a unity, not separated entities.
Koku and Nahin were explaining on how it is possible for mankind to travel in time because theoretically speaking time and space create a whirlpool that enables one to make shortcuts within time and space itself. Thus, one can either travel forward or backward in time through those shortcuts. Although building a time machine is plausible, according to Nahin, terms and condition applied. He said, if he built a time machine today, he could not use it tomorrow to go back to yesterday, as yesterday the machine has not been built.
And as my wild imagination wanders I strongly believe in this theory. I applaud and mouth “Amen” to George Orwell, H.G. Wells and of course Jules Verne for their wild imaginations –or premonitions if you prefer saying it that way– that later come out –or will come out– as hard facts known as knowledge. Long before humankind actually travel to any kinds of time and space, these authors have let their unconventional minds unravel the nature’s mystiques. It is inevitably true that thanks to
So, what do my untamed imaginations have to say about this? My idea regarding this time and space as a unity theory is that: if a whirlpool that enables one to make shortcuts within time and space itself really does exist and therefore traveling through space and time is plausible, then it would not be too much to say that it is possible that our life at the present time (which we often refer to as the now time) is actually a past time and that the now time is actually the future time; thus, it means that all of us are traveling or –more appropriately– reliving the past. Because only then the term déjà vu becomes more sensible.
If my theory flawed, then would you kindly explain how in the world can we have some sort of recollection about events that occur in the future time? If we have not experienced an event, theoretically speaking, our brain would not have memorized it. Had only one or two or let say a hundred people experienced déjà vu then it would be what we call “imagining things.” Nonetheless, I am 99.99% sure that each and every one of us has experienced déjà vu for at least once in a lifetime. Coincidence? Just as Einstein did not believe that God plays dice with the world. I don’t think so either.
“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”
-Albert Einstein-
time traveling: a birthday present for myself (part 1)
This date twenty four years ago,
I was only a tiny spot amongst other giant stuff.
I had not utilized my knack therefore I know nothing but how to cry.
The farthest thing I understood about emotion is merely a discomfort.
Not having enough diets.
Not getting the perfect humidity.
Not acquiring what I need let alone what I want.
This date a year ago,
I was not tiny, but I was still struggling among other giant stuff.
I had started to utilize my knack thus I know everything but forgot how to cry.
The farthest thing I understood about emotion is merely discomforting others.
There were never enough diets.
There were always dry rather than wet.
There were always what I want and never what I need.
This date today,
I have no clue of what I am,
I have no clue of what I want,
I have no clue of what I need,
I have no clue of what I have,
I have no clue of what I know,
Yet, I feel very grateful for everything.
Happy Birthday Me, just be thankful and you’ll be fine.
my room, April 3, 2007