
time traveling: a birthday present for myself (part 1)

This date twenty four years ago,

I was only a tiny spot amongst other giant stuff.

I had not utilized my knack therefore I know nothing but how to cry.

The farthest thing I understood about emotion is merely a discomfort.

Not having enough diets.

Not getting the perfect humidity.

Not acquiring what I need let alone what I want.


This date a year ago,

I was not tiny, but I was still struggling among other giant stuff.

I had started to utilize my knack thus I know everything but forgot how to cry.

The farthest thing I understood about emotion is merely discomforting others.

There were never enough diets.

There were always dry rather than wet.

There were always what I want and never what I need.


This date today,

I have no clue of what I am,

I have no clue of what I want,

I have no clue of what I need,

I have no clue of what I have,

I have no clue of what I know,

Yet, I feel very grateful for everything.


Happy Birthday Me, just be thankful and you’ll be fine.

my room, April 3, 2007

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