
petty shoes pretty you pity me

don't mind me, just keep walking.
i'm just admiring your shoes
they shines, don't you know?
their glow match your tanned long legs
oh, yeah, and i also love their sound when you walk
it resonates through the strings of your dark hair,
who did them, by the way?
you look awesome.
it's a shame that ugly cart has to be in front of you
oh, that's your dad's master, i see.
you're gorgeous, don't worry.
you'll grow up just like your old man, only better.
you'll see. i promise.
when that day comes,
maybe i'll pet you in the head,
give you the sweetest apple i bet you'll love
polish your shoes to their finest glow
set you free from dragging that hideous cart
like black beauty you'll get to see meadows of the world
but i won't be riding on your back
as it's unjust to burden you
i would only sit, not far from you, staring at you,
your freedom and,
probably cry, with 'see you soon' echoing at the background
'till then, my dear brown beauty,
for now, i'll pray for that day to be.
 some late afternoons outside margo city. moved

8 komentar:

Arif Budi Nugroho mengatakan...

pray a little prayer hi4x

soen dari mengatakan...

kalo eikke kaki buntet. hihihihi.

ulik ferdinand mengatakan...

She will always comes to you for an apple. She gets the sweetest apple on earth from you...

-salam kenal-

asri saraswati mengatakan...

clunk clunk clunk..

begitu mungkin ya bunyinya. one of the sweet angels just stop by and her life will be prettier than ours, for sure.

neurotic freeloader mengatakan...

pray a lot of prayer, peng

neurotic freeloader mengatakan...

kaki buntet udel bodong.. hihihihihihi

neurotic freeloader mengatakan...

lam kenal juga

neurotic freeloader mengatakan...

siapa ikut siapa turut..