
silver year

age is strictly a case of mind over matter. if you don't mind, it doesn't matter.
- jack benny-

the thankyou notes are for:
the dream job.the 4 percents increase.the appraisal bonus this year.meeting mads again after all these times.unexpected free meals.all of those unmentionable agreeable surprises.

yet, the wishlist follows:
no more honorable insignia of long service in this warfare, please.more unexpected life bonuses.simply more great things and less worst things.being happier than previously.

25 is an automorphic number. hopefully this will be an automorphic year.

17 komentar:

maria goreti mengatakan...

happy silver year anniversary....
gimana rasanya menjadi seperempat abad?

Arif Budi Nugroho mengatakan...

selamat ulang tahun ye swas:)

tulix silva mengatakan...

selamat hepi besde swasti...... :D

Marianne Dashwood mengatakan...

happy birthday :)

riska tania mengatakan...

waw you were a lucky 24-year-old girl ;)
hepi bersdey, dear!

Natascha Badruddin mengatakan...

*cubit cubit cubit*

sourdays sourdays mengatakan...

pelukk dan ekstrapeluk hari sabtuu :)

soen dari mengatakan...

swassssss...sekali lagiiiiiii..met ultah..sekali lagiii, doanya adalah semoga dapet duit buanyakkkkkk :))

Myspace Comments * DazzleJunction.com

neurotic freeloader mengatakan...

ehhmm.. sensasional (halah!)

neurotic freeloader mengatakan...

tengkyu, peng.. sorry ya waktu itu.. gw kan klo molor kayak kebo heheehhehehe.. kmrn ada kue coklat.. coba lo mampir.. udah diabisin anak2 kos yang kalap hehehehehe

neurotic freeloader mengatakan...

tararengkyu, lik.. apa kbr?

neurotic freeloader mengatakan...

makasiiiiihhhh :)

neurotic freeloader mengatakan...

yes.. and now i've to get me one of those anti-ageing cream hiks hiks hiks.. quarter life crisis hehehehehehehe

neurotic freeloader mengatakan...

makasiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiih *peluk peluk peluk.. sekali ini deh gw ngga menangkis cubitan lo hehehehehe*

neurotic freeloader mengatakan...


neurotic freeloader mengatakan...

dan bisa maen ke tönisvorst untuk merayakan ultahmu kayak waktu itu.. dengan 8 ekor ayam hehehehehehehehehehehehe *peluk peluk peluk*

soen dari mengatakan...

amiinnnnnnnn. hyuuuuuuuuuuuuuk. owalah nostalgia. hiks hiks. kangennnn.