
think happy thoughts

*yelling* hey, what album did 'hey jude' from? what? i can't hear you. *assuring* he'll come. don’t bother yelling. how do you know? it's not work. *convincing* he'll come. *popping at the door* it was released in the UK as a single. it's not from any of beatles album. but it's been in many compilations of their hits. it was released in ninety sixty.. sixty eight.. i know. it's the only song i like from them other than the ones from the a hard day's night album.. ah, yes. that was released in.. sixty four.. thank you.. why do you ask? nothing. been looking for the album for hey, jude. can't find it. no wonder. it's a single. it sounds seventy. i like. thanks. your welcome. *telling the rest* he's reliable for things like these..


and it is exactly the only reason why i think i'm gonna miss you when you're not around.


eagle eye

kalo yang pake pita? mini? bukaaan. mini, tauk. buuukan, donang. mini, dek. bukan, mo, donang. mini. bukan, donang. mini, tuh, di kepalanya ada pita warna pink. kalo donal pake topi. bukan, mo, yang pake pita donang. *mulai tak sabar dan penasaran* mana, sih, pitanya, donal kan pake topi biru, donal nggak pake pi… *mulai menyadari sesuatu* oh, iya! si donal juga ada pitanya. iyaaa, donang yang pake pita, moooo *dengan sotoy dan sok cuek mainan senter.


*oh well, not even sharper than a pre-schooler, but i admit defeat. you won this time, big baby.*




on the 11 may, my horoscope read: 'your alarm clock is likely to get a workout this morning, and the first half of the day might find you in a deep fog. by this agternoon, you can expect some vigorous energy – and maybe even some hot stuff!'


well, i did have to go back and forth to the loo even before my alarm went off, because some girlie stuff went in the way not in its time as usual, and yes, the fog did literally caught me in the house not until mid day, though (so we managed to fly back. hallelujah!).





soon in the afternoon i had to thank the two smokingly hot pilots (though not necessarily good ones in doing their job compared to pak nelson the veteran pilot which is excused 'cause they look H.O.T(ter) than pak nelson in their uniform) who gave such a vigorous energy to keep me excited rather than anxious flying in such an old plane (with such too young pilots).



even hotter stuff came up as we landed on the humid capital of the black island. as expected good weather equals to more sun than raindrops.


all in all life is under control. and i love my country more than ever.


s(h)itting without borders

i think it was the movie new york i love you, that had one story about a father spending the day with his daughter. the father was black and people thought he was the manny (male nanny) because his daughter looks caucasian.

i guess i am a racist at heart, or just simply a non-conformist to the whole new world one world everybody's equal belief. i do; however, think that one particular story in the movie new york i love you is moving. i do think that anybody who father or mother inter-racial kids, would be broken hearted to be 'accused' of being their kids nanny or manny just because his/her race is considered lower than their kids (judging only, of course, by their skins). in that sense, any parents (disregarding their race) would be devastated if the society overlook them as the parents of their own (more over biological) offspring.

and yet, i am also grossed by angelina jolie's act of adopting kids of various race. a feeling i don't have towards salma hayek who breastfed malnutrition children in africa. bear in mind that i detest both celebs. but, somehow, i felt that hayek is more sincere in doing her philanthropic deeds. maybe a bit weird concept for the western world, but people in the arab world have had surrogate breastfeeding mothers since centuries ago. the prophet muhammad himself was breastfed by another woman who is not her mother. in islam, there is even a law that forbid people who breastfed from the same mother to marry, as they are then considered as siblings.


why don’t i have the same sympathy for jolie? maybe simply because i assume, for her adopting kids of various race would further boost her image as the next lady di, or the modern day lady midas, who turns unfortunate people's lives to gold. in which i believe that taking some poor kids to make them feel the hollywood glitz and glam is not at all the idea of equality. says who or since when making people who eat rice to eat bread is improving their welfare? and the modern day midas may as well be the modern day medusa.


and why do i bother to post junk like this? it's only because i'm sick and tired of politicized poverty. philanthropified politics sickens me. and the pictures of a burmese-french acquaintance of mine who fathers an african girl reminds me of how weird and twisted and yet very artistically cozy the modern world can be. plus, i was going to give this post a title; 'chier sans frontières', but then i need to be more polite in the borderless cyber world.