the other day when i went to bali for a friend's wedding, i kind of craving for tequilla or vodka sunrise and some decent bruschetta. but the wedding was german. and the cocktail they serve was only capirinha. because the bartender was not a real bartender, he was just a friend of the groom who lent a helping hand. and of course, there was no bruschetta. i had some during one of the brunch, but none even close to my cravings.
so, anyway. yesterday i bought some sunflower seeds bread. they were rather expensive. 28'000 for 6 slices of bread. and i have some leftover mozzarella. and last night after thinking what will i eat the bread with, i remembered that i still have some pesto and canned tuna chunks. so, i decided to make this for breakfast today.
2 slices of sunflower bread
3 teaspoon of tuna chunks
1-2 teaspoon of instant pesto (who would have the time to chop all those basil and pinenuts?)
shredded mozzarella. the more the merrier. or should i say the meltier.
1. lay out the bread on to a plate. pick a pretty plate. so, it will look good in the picture.
2. mix the pesto and the tuna.
3. spread the mixed tuna-pesto on to one of the bread.
4. spread the shredded mozzarella on top of the tuna-pesto layer.
5. spread the mozzarella on top of the other bread.
6. pop them up in the microwave of low heat for 3 – 6 minutes. depends on how you would like your cheese to melt.
7. after several minutes, take them out of the microwave.
8. this is it! bruschetta sunrise ala chef not farah quinn! (don't flush it with vodka, although it might help to get you through the day, getting drunk at the start of the week doesn’t pay off. especially if you need to present the tv interview plan to the bigboss).
2 komentar:
wenak kye... mozzarellan-e... but i'll skip that tuna things... :p .... bisa diganti dengan yg lain bu chef?
nduwe kucing kok g doyan tuna? bisa dganti tahu -buat yg vegetarian- ato telor orakarik.. ato daging cincang ato jamur cincang.. tp jgn lupa dtumis dulu si daging ato jamur itu dgn bwg putih.. sblm dioleskan ke ruti..
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