
onrop! musikal

tentang sepasang kekasih, bram dan sari. bram adalah penulis novel religi (spesifik sekali pekerjaannya, menurut sahabat saya). sedangkan sari adalah pacar si bram yang menolak norma yang berlaku pada masa itu. konon, di masa itu (tahun 2020, ya, hanya 10 tahun dari sekarang), indonesia sudah menjadi negara yang terlalu mengedepankan moral yang baik. sehingga kegiatan, kata-kata dan apapun yang bisa dihubungkan atau dikonotasikan dengan pornografi dan pornoaksi akan bisa dijerat dengan ketentuan hukum. bahkan, kata porno pun dibalik jadi onrop (malangan sekali, mungkin jokan adalah orang malang, entahlah).

lalu setiap pelanggar moral itu akan dibuang ke pulau onrop. dikisahkan bahwa pulau onrop ini adalah tempat yang menyeramkan di mana kesusilaan tak berbatas dan kejahatan merajalela.

nah, sayangnya, bram secara tidak sengaja menggunakan kata 'menelanjangi' ketika mendeskripsikan novel religi terbarunya. terpaksalah ia dijerat dengan pasal-pasal hukum dan singkat cerita dibuang di pulau onrop. dan tentunya, harus berpisah dengan sari, yang kemudian disadarinya adalah sebagai konsekuensi terberat meninggalkan indonesia.

ternyata, pulau onrop tidak sekeji dan seberingas yang dibayangkan dan digambarkan orang-orang. di sana orang hidup damai dan lebih bebas. bram pun memutuskan untuk membawa sari untuk tinggal di pulau onrop.

to cut three hours short, bram menyusun strategi supaya ia dan sari bisa sama-sama dibuang ke pulau onrop. lucunya, atau ironisnya, atau bingungnya (saya tidak bisa menemukan kata yang tepat), karena semua orang berbondong-bondong ingin tinggal di pulau onrop, dan orang-orang pulau onrop konon menyerbu indonesia, para penegak hukum yang sedang mengadili sari, bram dan asistennya malah memilih untuk pergi mencari tempat di mana mereka bisa menerapkan norma-norma yang mereka inginkan.

akhirnya, semua hidup bahagia. amin.

komentar saya, not really a critic and definitely not in order:
1. bintang pertunjukan jelas sekali adalah ario bayu yang memerankan asisten bram (saya lupa namanya) yang merupakan closeted gay man karena keadaan. bisa jadi karena beliau sangat menghayati perannya, atau banyak sekali penonton yang bisa relate to their own condition. poor repressed audience (oops! saya mulai menghakimi. maaf).
2. koreografi eko supriyanto memang keren. tidak heran madonna memilihnya untuk jadi salah satu penarinya. artistik teatrikal tetapi masih sangat bisa dinikmati penonton awam seperti saya.
3. dekor panggung juga bagus. tidak setengah-setengah. dekorasi favorit saya adalah pantai di pulau onrop yang gradasi warnanya bisa berubah-ubah sesuai dengan suasana. benar-benar seperti di pantai.
4. sayangnya, ceritanya kurang kuat. dialog-dialognya masih kurang cerdas dan cenderung lebih memilih untuk membuat penonton tertawa daripada berpikir. hal yang sebenarnya wajar saja, jika mengingat para penontonnya yang cukup segmented, yaitu anak muda gaul jakarta yang harus hip dan happening. (oh, no, saya mulai sinis. maaf).
5. saya tidak tahu mengapa jika sang sutradara bisa bersusah payah untuk muncul dengan istilah 'onrop' dan 'pulau onrop' yang obviously adalah simbol, but does not bother to come up with some fictionized word for 'indonesia'. but then again, mungkin ada alasan yang saya tidak tahu or failed to grasp.
6. ade fitria sechan yang berperan menjadi something vixen (saya lupa nama karakternya) penjiwaan perannya sangat mirip dengan bellatrix lestrange (karakter di harry potter) yang diperankan oleh istri tim burton, helena bonham carter. but, she is very pretty, prettier than hbc, malah.
7. overall, sebagai permulaan teater musikal, onrop! cukup bagus. saya cukup suka. mudah-mudahan bisa menjadi pemicu bermunculannya bentuk-bentuk teater yang lain. walaupun sebetulnya sanggar sanggrila dan majalah bobo juga cukup sering menggelar teater musikal. namun, teater musikal yang menyasar penonton lebih dewasa mungkin memang baru ini. jadi, two thumbs up. or better yet, two pinkies, up chicas!

agak bingung

he bought the 406 with the money my mum's been saving for me since we were in school. so, does that mean it is somehow mine?

then what am i doing with 610 every morning?


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part I

Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy
okay. call me posesif or whatnot. but i do think that david yates should be more serious in making the last sequel of harry potter. i sincerely believe that the last potter should be made in a more solemn way. at least to honor the most unnecessary death of dobby.

the wizard world is mourning for merlin's sake! dumbledore just passed away. the dark lord is taking control. death eaters are flying here and there killing muggles everywhere. have mercy, mister yates. i am aware that younger viewers are more into shticks. but the more adult readers and devoted fans of potter's adventures would like to see a more intense ending.

or maybe i am just a morbid fan who could not stand teens giggling to see fleur turning into harry potter taking off her(?) bra and holding on to bill while riding thestral. one does not have to laugh to see two men hugging each other. accordingly, one should not initiate others to laugh at two men hugging each other. damn, homophobes!

anyways, i gave four stars for the animation of the deathly hallows legend. and this was only the first part. i'm hoping to see something better on the second part.



sometimes i just want to drop out of work and start making art. but mom told me i am not artistic like dad or older bro. so, i never did.


gerutu (7)

masih bertanya-tanya, kenapa, ya, kok, sejak kecil sampai setua sekarang, masih saja orang tidak percaya dengan kemampuan saya. seumur hidup hanya dua kali saya merasa berguna di dalam hidup. pertama ketika sekolah dasar dan dipilih teman-teman yang ingin menang dan dapat nilai bagus untuk menjadi bagian dari tim kasti mereka. mereka menganggap i was a good batter. ke dua ketika dibilang sebagai penyelamat oleh seorang dokter mata, karena membawa uang lebih untuk membayar tiket pesawat dan kargo timnya. padahal memang saya selalu membawa uang lebih jika bepergian karena urusan kantor. sudah s.o.p. selebihnya, rasanya memang dunia makin sempit saja, jika banyak bertaburan orang-orang tanpa guna seperti saya ini.


bukan tidak bersyukur, hanya saya merasa useless, sementara merapi bikin huru-hara, saya malah asyik posting di multiply seperti ini. something feels not right. meskipun saya juga tidak mau ke sana jika hanya akan makin menambah kerepotan saja. tapi, rasanya, memang banyak yang tidak yakin saya bisa apa, makanya saya masih di sini. padahal, saya bisa, lho bahasa jawa, fasih. saya juga bisa sedikit-sedikit masak untuk dapur umum. saya bisa juga nyupir. alhamdulillah saya juga sehat jiwa dan raga, tidak ada asma, dan masih berusia duapuluhan. tapi, yah, memang banyak yang lebih jago, sih. jadi, mungkin memang bukan takdir saya untuk ke sana. bagus, deh, jadi, saya bisa cuti.


tetapi, ya, saya masih akan terus menggumamkan udkhulu fis silmi kaffah meski hanya di dalam hati.


i hope

i hope

you do understand

that they will get scholarship

married to their lovers

and have children of their own

while i may just stay as is

and as i catch the weariness of your voice

towards my wellbeing

i am fine. i can take care of myself.

it's you i'm worried about.



all i want for christmas is: GRAYSON from cougar town!

step aside, jules kiki cobb!


i made pinastika.. or did you? ;)

okay. i'll learn to like bali. and armed forces. if only you show more pictures. of yours.


by the way's (2)

i thought we were dysfunctional, until you tell me that it was only because the grass is always greener on the other side.


taught but never learned

when we were toddlers you taught me how to save coins in a piggy bank. after you reminded me that unused money would turn into snakes, so your teacher told you. then you taught me how to play the intro of metallica's entersandman and gigi's kuingin after you taught me how to draw people in american comics. that was when we were teenagers. but for this age, even after i told you we can't live with them can't live without them, what most important is when you told me that the grass is greener on the other side. that was a how to in coping with them. and/or/especially him.


by the way's (1)

from everybody around me, often i heard 'she knows exactly what she wants.', or 'at least knowing what you don't want is a better step than nothing.', and 'i don't really know what i want.'


but, what if i used to know what i want but not getting them has made me not knowing what i would want anymore?


la mala educaciĆ³n

rekan  :   iya, jadi, to, 'kan anak-anak itu disuruh, "ayo, sekarang nyanyikan lagu 'syukur'!". terus mereka nyanyi, "syukuri apa yang adaaaa.."


kami   :   huahahahahahahahahahahaaa..


*this is the kind of story where you will be laughing at the first time you hear it, but end up feeling sorry later on for thinking how bad the media fails to educate the younger generation. and yes, i did laugh too, and told my friends about it, but then i posted it here. just hoping that someday things will get better.



what could be worse than staying late at the office browsing for application on facebook, decided to play 'what will happen to you in 5 years' and found 'you will go broke!' for an answer.

kembang lambe

saya    :   kenapa, sih, kantor lo nggak bosen-bosennya ngumpul, ngobrol, diskusi, apalah itu namanya, buat bikin buku pedoman dan buku blablabla lainnya?

rekan  :   yah, kan elo tau sendiri, dibandingkan orang ASEAN yang lain, orang indonesia itu termasuk yang suka nulis.

saya    :   iya, tapi gw juga tau kalo orang indonesia mayoritas nggak suka baca. kalo semua orang nulis buku, siapa yang baca?

rekan  :   hmmm.. iya juga, ya.. siapa yang baca? gw nggak berpikir sejauh itu.

saya    :   *dalam hati* i even doubted that you ever think at all.


darling i do

isn't this lovely? though landon pigg looks too gay.



(qua)tre formaggi

hmm.. i like cheese. i don't buy gadgets when i have extra money. i buy cheese. the real ones. and when it comes the day when the fridge is full of cheese. this is what happened.

4 slices of batard (available in carrefour)
a grub of roquefort (available when a colleague just came back from visiting france)
2 dice of swiss emmental, thin sliced (available after 2 weeks perdiem in rural papua)
a cube of gruyere, thin square sliced (available from a back to back field trip perdiem)
4 teaspoons of italian dressing (available in all fresh salad bar)

1. spread the roquefort on two slices of batard, then each batard is sprinkled with a teaspoon of italian dressing.
2. spread the swiss emmental on a slice of batard then sprinkle with a teaspoon of italian dressing.
3. spread the gruyere on a slice of batard then sprinkle with a teaspoon of italian dressing.
4. pop them up in an oven or a microwave with a low heat for 2 to 3 minutes, just until the cheese melt.
5. take them out, take a picture, post it on your blogs, then enjoy!

• roquefort is a hardcore cheese, and i ain't talking about the texture. so, for those of you, who are not cheese persons, may feel like you're making out with a goat. it tastes a bit bitter with a sandy feeling when you chew, so you can change it with other kinds of amateur (ha!) cheese. 'though it will never be the same, suckers!
• my favorite cheese is the swiss emmental. sometimes when you enjoy it too much, it started to taste like meat. and that is exactly why i love the swiss emmental.
• the italian dressing is just to moist the bread when you microwave or oven them, you can change it with just olive oil or butter if you don't mind heart attack. i personally love italian dressing because it has a garlic-y spicy soury taste, you know, to keep the vampires from vamping your meal instead of your neck.
• basically you can use any cheese, even the cheap cheddar, but expensive cheese taste so much better.
• beware of flies, it's the roquefort, it smells also like a never been washed socks. or the gutter.
• brush your teeth, wash your face after you had them, unless you prefer the flies than the hotties to linger around you the whole day.


gerutu (6)

thank god for sate rs pertamina. and donut in seven eleven bulungan. then all fresh in simatupang. god bless food and fruits. because surely god should never bless them people who hate their own kind. god knows for what reasons.


i truly am sorry if my parents forced me to have a good education and theirs did not. thus, if i earn more than they did at my age, blame the friggin tsunami. we are only here to ease the pain of couple of billions people of this country who –unlike you– had to, for example, walk three days and three nights or even a whole week, just to get their eyes examined. they care shit if you are a dear friend of the ex zero two. or even the present zero one.


now, what is your explanation to let those of the same skins eat not from the same buffet. haven’t you got anything from all of this shit? have you never read the seven fundamental principles? do you not know that the core principles are the exact opposite things that you are imposing at the moment? i bet you don’t even want to hold hands with old people who wipe their snots with their cut fingers.


so, look, my veins are popping every time i dare to think about what you guys did. i'm trying to not raise my blood-pressure just over work shits. and i understand that you're just trying to kiss ass and make the ex-zero two happy. but if you don’t even get sarcasm. or if you dare to ask 'lagi bawa siapa di sini' again. i would still smile nicely to you. for the sake of my friends. whom you didn’t let to join the cocktail party and you told to eat from nasi kotak. because above all, i still love my own people, and i would take bullets for them.


just remember that money and power only buy you ass kisser that will someday kick you in the nuts.


why not you?

because you used people for your own benefit.


why not you?

because you are nothing but a hypocrite.


why not you?

because you are stingier than the scots.


why not you?

because you have a wife now.


why not you?

because you are too religious to a different religion.


why not you?

because you live in a place with two hours time difference.

with your wife and, maybe, kids.



why me?


dancing barefoot

the baby boy would suddenly stop crying when hearing john mayer's waiting on the world to change. while the big baby whined to her caretaker the other day, 'mbak, kakak kan mau nyanyi ce-i-en-te-a.'


i'd still hug them just the same. more than just because music is universal.


the platinum rule

it's only been a week since.

excluding the first time we met.


guess we have had what barney theorized.

attraction. bargaining. submission.

perks. tipping point.



and fall out.


now we should try ted's theory.



at least i would like to.


his words (2)

why do you disgust by that woman so much, anyway?


well.. she doesn’t… *long pause* 'inspire' me..


ha ha.. well, she's not mother theresa, man..


as well.. she's a bit of a grouch.. met her in cambodia.. mother theresa..


well, what do you expect? the woman married god.



this morning. while he's at my booth looking for 'something' to go with his tea.


his words (1)

my mom lives in the days where she smoked 30 cigarettes per day, never exercised, and she will be 83 next week.


quoted this morning when asked 'how come you still have a mother?'


think happy thoughts

*yelling* hey, what album did 'hey jude' from? what? i can't hear you. *assuring* he'll come. don’t bother yelling. how do you know? it's not work. *convincing* he'll come. *popping at the door* it was released in the UK as a single. it's not from any of beatles album. but it's been in many compilations of their hits. it was released in ninety sixty.. sixty eight.. i know. it's the only song i like from them other than the ones from the a hard day's night album.. ah, yes. that was released in.. sixty four.. thank you.. why do you ask? nothing. been looking for the album for hey, jude. can't find it. no wonder. it's a single. it sounds seventy. i like. thanks. your welcome. *telling the rest* he's reliable for things like these..


and it is exactly the only reason why i think i'm gonna miss you when you're not around.


eagle eye

kalo yang pake pita? mini? bukaaan. mini, tauk. buuukan, donang. mini, dek. bukan, mo, donang. mini. bukan, donang. mini, tuh, di kepalanya ada pita warna pink. kalo donal pake topi. bukan, mo, yang pake pita donang. *mulai tak sabar dan penasaran* mana, sih, pitanya, donal kan pake topi biru, donal nggak pake pi… *mulai menyadari sesuatu* oh, iya! si donal juga ada pitanya. iyaaa, donang yang pake pita, moooo *dengan sotoy dan sok cuek mainan senter.


*oh well, not even sharper than a pre-schooler, but i admit defeat. you won this time, big baby.*




on the 11 may, my horoscope read: 'your alarm clock is likely to get a workout this morning, and the first half of the day might find you in a deep fog. by this agternoon, you can expect some vigorous energy – and maybe even some hot stuff!'


well, i did have to go back and forth to the loo even before my alarm went off, because some girlie stuff went in the way not in its time as usual, and yes, the fog did literally caught me in the house not until mid day, though (so we managed to fly back. hallelujah!).





soon in the afternoon i had to thank the two smokingly hot pilots (though not necessarily good ones in doing their job compared to pak nelson the veteran pilot which is excused 'cause they look H.O.T(ter) than pak nelson in their uniform) who gave such a vigorous energy to keep me excited rather than anxious flying in such an old plane (with such too young pilots).



even hotter stuff came up as we landed on the humid capital of the black island. as expected good weather equals to more sun than raindrops.


all in all life is under control. and i love my country more than ever.


s(h)itting without borders

i think it was the movie new york i love you, that had one story about a father spending the day with his daughter. the father was black and people thought he was the manny (male nanny) because his daughter looks caucasian.

i guess i am a racist at heart, or just simply a non-conformist to the whole new world one world everybody's equal belief. i do; however, think that one particular story in the movie new york i love you is moving. i do think that anybody who father or mother inter-racial kids, would be broken hearted to be 'accused' of being their kids nanny or manny just because his/her race is considered lower than their kids (judging only, of course, by their skins). in that sense, any parents (disregarding their race) would be devastated if the society overlook them as the parents of their own (more over biological) offspring.

and yet, i am also grossed by angelina jolie's act of adopting kids of various race. a feeling i don't have towards salma hayek who breastfed malnutrition children in africa. bear in mind that i detest both celebs. but, somehow, i felt that hayek is more sincere in doing her philanthropic deeds. maybe a bit weird concept for the western world, but people in the arab world have had surrogate breastfeeding mothers since centuries ago. the prophet muhammad himself was breastfed by another woman who is not her mother. in islam, there is even a law that forbid people who breastfed from the same mother to marry, as they are then considered as siblings.


why don’t i have the same sympathy for jolie? maybe simply because i assume, for her adopting kids of various race would further boost her image as the next lady di, or the modern day lady midas, who turns unfortunate people's lives to gold. in which i believe that taking some poor kids to make them feel the hollywood glitz and glam is not at all the idea of equality. says who or since when making people who eat rice to eat bread is improving their welfare? and the modern day midas may as well be the modern day medusa.


and why do i bother to post junk like this? it's only because i'm sick and tired of politicized poverty. philanthropified politics sickens me. and the pictures of a burmese-french acquaintance of mine who fathers an african girl reminds me of how weird and twisted and yet very artistically cozy the modern world can be. plus, i was going to give this post a title; 'chier sans frontiĆØres', but then i need to be more polite in the borderless cyber world.


nursery whines

i hate cute words. like butterflies.

or fireflies. or cookies. and candies.

i love acrimonious words. like beers.

or sneers. and fears. of queers.

note to self (11)

as you get older, it is okay if you only want to fly garuda, use telkomsel and take bluebird.

especially if you really can afford it. and don't have to feed a child. or an unemployed husband.


gerutu (5)

pagi ini saya menemukan salah satu contoh diskriminasi yang melingkupi lingkungan di mana saya bekerja; ini adalah cuplikan pesan elektronik yang baru saja saya baca di messaging system di kantor, si pengirim tidak tahu bahwa sistem pengiriman pesan di kantor kami memungkinkan banyak orang membaca pesan-pesan bernada diskriminasi semacam ini:


Hi B***n

Saw the list of I*R* invitees… this function is aimed at senior staff – especially those that can interact with P*I board members (as they are the only P*I invitees) .. I am just assuming some of the staff are [sic!] not senior, going by title [sic!], but I could be wrong.  Only our programme coordinators are coming from our end.  It’s not a huge issue, but just thought I’d let you know in case that part of the message hadn’t got through.




saya hanya ingin bilang kepada mbak A yang kebetulan warga negara australia yang konon lebih maju peradabannya dari negara kami, bahwa for your kind information, di tempat kami bekerja (untungnya) senioritas dan (kadang) efektivitas serta efisiensi tidak dipandang dari warna kulit seperti di mana anda bekerja, yang hanya melibatkan warna kulit tertentu bahkan warga negara tertentu untuk memegang posisi kunci. beberapa dari kami mungkin akan seumur hidup berada di bawah jabatan 'officer' tetapi pengalaman kami tentu lebih mumpuni dari anda. dan jangan lupa, pejabat tertinggi dari organisasi mitra kita, kurang menyukai kehadiran pengaruh asing, yang sepertinya, maaf saja, kurang menguntungkan anda, alih-alih kami. coba anda ingat-ingat lagi tujuh prinsip dasar terutama 'neutrality' dan 'impartiality'. atau itu hanya alat ras tertentu untuk kembali menguasai hidup kami, suku bangsa di negara-negara yang sedang berkembang?


tapi, jika anda memang sedang brown-nosing kepada para petinggi itu, untuk menggantikan pejabat tertinggi di organisasi anda, seperti yang diasumsikan banyak orang di dunia pekerjaan kita ini, maka saya maklum, jika sebenarnya anda hanya takut kalah saing. oia, jangan lupa, anda pun orang asia, seperti kami, even when you dye your hair blonde and speak a fluent australian accent. your eyes and nose could barely hid your trueself. so, be nice and start acting like an asian!



for your kind information:

the philippines mug is not from those of you who have been travelling back and forth to god knows where in the philippines. a friend bought it for me when she travelled there once for a once-in-a-blue-moon presentation on developing competency in family reunification. i don't mind sharing it every now and again with people. but, i will take it with me when i leave. it is mine.


note to self (10)

banyak hal yang tidak kau tahu maupun kuasai di dunia ini. oleh karena itu, ketakutan dan kekhawatiran terbesarmu untuk pergi meninggalkan rutinitas yang sudah kau jalani selama kurang lebih tiga tahun belakangan ini adalah kau ragu bahwa kau tidak akan bisa lagi menemukan lingkungan yang memaafkan ketidakmampuanmu untuk menjadi seorang ahli di bidang tertentu.



you are the sun in my universe,

considered the best when i felt the worst

walau kuterlambat, kau tetap yang terhebat

melihatmu, mendengarmu, kaulah yang terhebat

it is a prison of my life, as you become another's wife


ps: have the happiest birthday tomorrow..

gerutu (4)

frankly. what u said about my dear colleagues hurt me. and that stuck up friend of yours should learn more about our dear colleagues. i may just graduated from non-technological science major like you two. i may never know how does the european continent look like. i know nothing about constructing water kingdom for nyi blorong. heck, i never work for any other aliens, moreover abroad.


but i earn their respect by respecting them and trying to understand their needs. i spent most of my early days of adulthood learning from them. learning how this so called pathetic mechanism governs their lives. and mine. while you were out to spend your sixth grade salary for annoyingly expensive sunglasses, i was busting my ass off to defend them in front of those disgusting aliens. you have know idea how much i took from my measly fifth grade salary to save asses. theirs. yours. while i don’t give a fucking shit of my own. because i know how it felt to be the non bourgeoisie.


so, now, dear misters know it all. go eat your own shit. remember, you maybe older than me, you may own the world, you may have all the technical knowledge. but for now at least, it's still me who hold their cards.


gerutu (3)

dengan sepenuh hati, saya sadar bahwa memang saya masih amat sangat muda, jika dibandingkan dengan anda, yang sudah dua puluh tahun lebih bergelut dan berkelit di kubangan tersebut. saya pun sadar bahwa sangat manusiawi untuk setiap orang untuk bertindak sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kepentingan demi bertahan hidup. dan mungkin saya memang terlalu mudah menilai dan panas hati.


tetapi, saya masih ingat betapa manis kata-kata dan perilaku anda beserta anak buah, ketika kalian perlu sejumlah nominal tanpa birokrasi berbelit. dua puluh juta lebih jika saya tidak salah ingat. demi idealisme yang kami kira sama, birokrasi berbelit itu, kami tiadakan. belum lagi semua omong kosong tentang menanam dan menumbuhkan motivasi dalam diri untuk membangun organisasi. saya yang pesimis, meredam semua negativitas yang lekat dengan bahkan molekul terkecil tubuh saya. saya pun masih memilih untuk tidak mendengarkan perkataan buruk rekan yang lain, mengenai anda. atau motivasi anda. ketika semua berebut posisi. selalu saya tekankan kepada mereka, manusia didorong oleh kepentingan dan kebutuhan, pada akhirnya yang merasa ditelikunglah yang sebaiknya berbesar hati. setidaknya, kembalikan lagi semua cara dan tujuan anda itu untuk organisasi. ingatkah? yang terakhir itu adalah kutipan kalimat anda sendiri. untuk organisasi.


sekali lagi, entah apa yang masih tersisa tentang citra anda di benak saya. jika akhirnya saya masih mencoba menghubungi anda, itu semata-mata karena memang saya anak kemarin sore, yang diperintahkan oleh segerombolan orang asing, yang apa mau dikata, memang berperan cukup besar untuk mewujudkan kebutuhan dan kepentingan hidup pribadi saya.


hanya saja, terus terang saya tidak berharap dihardik sedemikian rupa, langsung oleh anda. meski saya tahu benar mungkin anda sibuk sekali, dengan segala proses untuk mendapatkan posisi yang anda incar. saya pun sempat berpikir dua hari untuk menghubungi anda. keseganan mengingat level posisi saya dan anda yang menjadi pertimbangan saya yang terbesar. tidak seharusnya saya menghubungi anda untuk masalah sesepele hal itu. sayangnya, jika memang tidak siap berkorban demi organisasi, sebaiknya nomor telepon anda tidak perlu terpajang dalam surat undangan tersebut. percuma. hanya akan menurunkan citra anda sendiri. terutama dengan hardikan-hardikan tersebut. secara profesional. maupun personal.


dan satu lagi, kunci saja rapat-rapat pengkhotbahan anda tentang berorganisasi. metode dan idealisme anda tidak akan pernah lagi sejalan dengan saya. apalagi meyakinkan saya.


all alice: wrong alice, almost alice and the alice

not really like what i have expected, but at least the most entertainment i got from watching alice was to see colleen atwood's designs for alice's dresses. she did so many costumes for tim burton, from edward scissorhand to sweeney todd. but this was by far her best designs. these designs even out beat the ones she made for sweeney todd. brava, colleen! and i have to admit that i think it's very precise to choose avril lavigne to sing the soundtrack, almost alice, as she is exactly who i had in mind seeing all those girlie gothic dresses.


as i love stripes, my most favourite dress was the one mad hatter made when he shrunk alice and put her inside his teapot (then took her on his hat). it was a slightly different version, much neater version of the one alice was using when entering underland. unfortunately i couldn’t find the picture of that dress anywhere on the net. it's the one with the flower on the right chest.




i think the alice a.k.a um from umbridge dress is also gorgeous. and the black-red laced fabrics used as bandage on her right arm to cover the wound she got from the bandersnatch made the dress even more perfect. i think it is also everybody's favourite.


yet, i do think that the dress she wore when she was in the white queen castle looked too eastern-ish if not misplaced. of all the gothic designs along the movie, i think this dress should be taken out. not saying that it is not lovely, it's just it is rather slumdog millionaire-ish instead of burton-ish. too bad i couldn’t find the clear picture of this dress too.


anyway, it is a good exercise for your brain, to see all those art details in the movie. unfortunately, failed to be dug deeper to be matched with the plot and the original through the looking glass' book. but i'll do a review on the movie later than sooner. *kalo nggak males, ya*.

note to self (9)

menikah dengan bule supaya menghasilkan anak-anak yang bertampang representatif agar hidup mereka menjadi lebih mudah. atau, menikah dengan orang indonesia yang kaya raya, supaya hidup anak-anak menjadi jauh lebih mudah, meskipun tampang mereka tidak representatif.


Bumi dan Langit Sahabat Kami

Genre: Biographies & Memoirs
Author:NH Dini
saya memang tidak hendak mereview buku ini. karena sebagai buku yang sudah tercetak dari tahun 80an tentu sudah banyak sekali review dan sinopsis buku ini. bahkan mungkin banyak sekali orang yang sudah pernah membacanya. sekilas saja, buku ini menceritakan bagaimana ibu dan bapak NH Dini mengajarkan sikap dermawan melalui kegiatan sehari-hari. bahwa manusia harus dengan bijak berbagi dengan sesamanya.

dari situ, saya juga jadi ingin berbagi karena saya suka sekali dengan cerita-cerita NH Dini. dari banyak buku-bukunya, seri tentang kehidupan masa kecilnya adalah yang menurut saya paling menarik. dan di antara ketiga buku di seri itu, inilah buku favorit saya. kenapa? karena banyak sekali deskripsi makanan. oh, how i worship food. memang hanya NH Dini yang bisa mengembalikan kesenangan saya terhadap membaca karena caranya bertutur mengingatkan saya kepada buku-buku yang saya baca ketika kecil. buku-buku cerita sederhana berlatar kehidupan susah tapi senang masyarakat jawa. buku-buku yang banyak tersusun rapi tak tersentuh di perpustakaan SD saya yang sekarang sudah tergusur.

apalagi jika anda seperti saya yang rindu setengah hidup untuk mengenang pengalaman membaca yang menyenangkan, atau kecewa dengan cerpen fiksi sang master kuliner, maka buku ini mungkin tepat untuk sedikit mengobati kerinduan dan melipur kekecewaan itu.

oia, untuk cetakan yang terbaru sampul buku didesain oleh dia.

tentang vox angelica

sebenarnya ini nama tempat kursus gitar di surabaya. entah masih ada atau tidak. yang mengajar namanya mas didik. konon dulu beliau seperguruan dengan jon ivan paul, gitaris boomerang yang sepertinya sekarang sedang dipenjara karena kasus narkoba. berbeda dengan kursus gitar di tempat pak pri (priatna – yamaha) yang alirannya klasik, di sini alirannya rock. jadi, teknik yang ditawarkan memang untuk menghasilkan musik-musik seperti yang dihasilkan g3 (steve vai, master gitar joe satriani, yngwie malmsteen etc). biasanya untuk ilmu dasar (yang sebenarnya rumit sekali) beliau mengajarkan intro dari lagu enter sandman-nya metallica (inalillahi!). tapi jangan salah, beliau juga bisa memainkan musik-musik yang lebih halus, seperti musik-musik gigi. hanya mungkin karena memang bukan jiwanya, jadi musik-musik lain pasti sekadar sepintas lalu.


jadi, jika ingin jadi guitar-shredder sebesar kirk hammet (metallica), john petrucci (dream theatre) atau tom morello (ratm and audioslave), boleh lah belajar lewat mas didik. eh, tapi juga harus diimbangi dengan ketekunan yang luar biasa. dan jangan terintimidasi dengan rambut gondrong heavy metalnya, karena beliau sesungguhnya selembut kapas (lebay dotkom) dan taat beribadah (halahhh!).


ava adore-not

you lost me. first it was the never-ending jaw-dropped eyes filled with awe buzzing around that pretty gallimimus. whom i honestly also like. while bitching me around like there is no tomorrow. that was not too long ago. now coming back to sit and wait silently at my booth. sending fucking bullshit texts. or encouraging me to do stuff you know i have always wanted to. i bet you think romantics sell.


billion years ago, when i was just a mediocre velociraptor who surrendered to the mighty tyrannosaurus-rex, i would have taken you back. even just for being a friend. but i had too much shit thrown at me when you were busy hovering around her. and i have too many friends already. and i am truly sorry if you can never understand how to mingle with me casually. because i am a difficult person. i trust only few people. you were one of them.


but you're now just a gun to my head no longer a lover in my bed.



sudahlah. biarkan saya bahagia.

she can have you twenty four seven,

i'm just glad for that brief fifteen minutes.

i would love to love you more

if only life is fair


bahagia adalah terjebak macet tiga jam ditemani jakfm

lalu tiba-tiba mendengar suaramu di telepon. limabelas menit

menghapus tiga jam waktuku yang terbuang.

serta dua jam jarak antara rumahmu di sana dan taksiku di sini.

it meant so much to have you confessing your darkest side,

to me. not her.



after the deleting my comment on your wall. the constant insult at the kitchen on how bad a cook i was. when it was i who seasoned the soup and made it bearable for everyone to taste. i cook when i feel like it. or if i had to. when i don't it was because people like you. i'm glad we will never share a kitchen together. i regret having the thought that we would.


vox angelica

true. i hate to see people with hairstyle like rian d'masiv. or giring nidji.  and the skinny pants too. or the hair of viera. maybe until the end of time. but i enjoy their songs. because the street artists (as how i like to call the buskers of metromini and kopaja) helped me to digest their music. so, i'll share you some of my favourites.


as for st12, i love them with all my heart. and the looking like abang-abang penjual dvd bajakans charly st12 with his overacting it a lot singing live on stage. but the way he did isabella, even with my continuous verbal-vomit, i still think st12 rules!


-      mau dibawa ke mana – armada band

        first heard it on metromini 610 sang by the duo buskers with punk style. the one singing is rather cute, and i just couldn't help not to sing along as he take the song to the next level with his cengkok melayu. he sounded better than the original version.

-          rindu setengah mati – d'masiv (feat. kevin aprilio of vierra)

        almost all buskers (and me) know this one (or every d'masiv new released). but i grew to like this one after a ride of metromini 72. two buskers, a teenage boy (i guess he was about 17 or 18 rather cute) with a deep voice and a kid, probably 9 or 12 with an even immature voice. the kid played the guitar, quite impressive, better than most adult buskers, i must say. i liked the way they sing the song. and they are quite polite and dressed nicely. with shoes even! still, i wait for that d'masiv expert in pondok labu who always sings d'masiv songs better than the original performer. if only he would perform earlier, since now i almost never go to work around 6:30.

-          buka hatimu – armada band

        i knew this song quite a while. i guess it was one of the sinetrons soundtrack. but starting to like it when in one of my 610 ride, hopped a girl collaborated with a busker to sing the song in metrominis and kopajas. her story was she sings to collect money to pay for his father's debt who left her and her mother to live with his new wife. she had to pay for the debts because she was the eldest and her mum was sick. she studied in bsi mampang, so she said. she always mentioned her name at the end of her 'show', which i keep forgetting every time. and i don't really care with the story even when it sounded so everybody's excuse, i don't even give her anything most times. but i sort of like the way she interacted with the passengers, she even remembered some of the regulars (like myself). and most of all i think they successfully nailed the last 'betapa sakitnya betapa perihnya..' part.

-          rasa ini – vierra

        i have to heard this song quite often before i could really enjoy it. i thought because i like viera's perih, then i could try to enjoy this one. and i did.

-      aw aw aw – the potters

        the duo buskers with simple drums and guitar who look and sounded like kangen band (the potters is kangen band's apprentice, so both bands do sound like each other; hence the cover version should somewhat alike) in metromini 72 from lebak bulus performed it better than the potters. it's true. i downloaded the the potters' version and was disappointed that the song did not sound the same (so i deleted from my computer). i even think that the buskers rearranged the melody.

-      di bawah langitmu – opick

        this is ramadhan song. but in metrominis opick specialist performer are easily found. my favourite was the d'masiv expert in pondok labu. i guess i like his type of voice. and this song is not as overrated as maha melihat who is sang by literally most opick specialists.

-      telepon aku – shandy canester

        when i heard and saw the video clip, i wasn't too fond of it. i thought he sounded like ello and john mayer. i hate ello's songs and I thought 'your body is a wonderland' is rather overrated. but, when i heard it in either kopaja 63 or metromini 640, his song became more acceptable to my hearing senses.


* i like alexa too, but couldn't find the title of the song i like. i like that one particular song because the intro reminded me of the smashing pumpkins.