
a curse

: my life to me.

i just hope it is not infectious to other people.

lopsided loops

hey, god!
let me ask you one thing:
is it possible that a person
gets everything s/he wants
and continuously
be the spotlight
when at the same time
another person
gets screwed every single time
and repeatedly

a girl needs a mother

because friends have their own problems
and fathers or boyfriend hardly listen
at the same time journals cannot respond
while colleagues are just people at work
one has to keep things professional with.

so, even when mother rarely gets the sense;
a girl needs a mother,
for she knows how to make things better.
or at least seem bearable.



before we part ways and bid goodbye to each other,

let me sing you the cure's i'll stop the world and melt with you.

but i guess whatever that was,

it is now over.


he always misses her no matter what she did. it is either love, naivety, or plain stupidity. and she, despite her longing for something better, has since been attached to him as well as could no longer bear the thought of pain he would have to endure if she left him. it is either love, charity, or empathy.

she would never dare to dream that what they have is forever, but he seemed very confident that they are meant for each other in all eternity.

none of them knows for sure what the future holds for both of them, but they have decided to be for each other at least until fate decides otherwise.


semur ayam santen teriyaki

super gampang. cocok untuk berbuka maupun sahur. bisa dimasak menjelang berbuka dan dipanaskan untuk sahur.

dada ayam dari satu ekor ayam, potong dadu
setengah potong tahu cina usuran 5x15cm, potong dadu
2 buah sayap ayam
2 buah ceker ayam
1 buah tomat, potong bitesize

4 siung bawang putih, cincang lembut
1 siung bawang Bombay, rajang halus
2 sendok makan kecap manis
2 sendok makan saos teriyaki
1 sachet santan instan
1 sendok makan minyak goreng untuk menumis

panaskan wajan, tuangi minyak goreng, tumis bawang putih dan bawang bombay dengan api kecil hingga layu.

masukkan potongan ayam dan tahu cina, tumis hingga setengah matang. tuangkan kecap manis dan saos teriyaki, tumis hingga kecap dan saos tercampur rata.

tambahkan santan instan, aduk hingga santan tercampur. jika perlu, tambahkan air. didihkan. masukkan potongan tomat.

aduk sesekali hingga semua bahan matang dan tercampur rata. sajikan.

untuk mengimbangi rasa semur yang manis, bisa disajikan dengan salad sayur dengan saus yang asam (kombinasi minyak zaitun dengan perasan lemon dgn sedikit garam-merica atau kombinasi minyak zaitun dengan balsamic vinegar).



jakarta has taken its toll on me.
this time, i am desperately longing to leave.
9 millions people in 740 square kilometre
is definitely a crowd.
am not sure i can take walking from dharmawangsa to blok a or further every evening.
even when i don't really do anything at work.
but, i guess my fate and fortune is not going to change.
at least not anytime soon.