
gerutu (9)

See my previous message about the propositions made by our company partner knowing that we all know that the problem goes beyond the only our company thoughts. However, the notion of Honorarium still remains bizarre: we will finance 50% of the interventions of our company partner members, during our company partner's seminars, organized and plannified by our company partner... I believe something is wrong.


well, dear, i believe your english is wrong. am not sure it is even english. i know it is not spanish, portuguese, or french. but i believe it is not english as well. check with word, even the computer agrees that it is not a language. it doesn't make sense. and you are paid like what? more than our president is paid am sure. beyond that, stop giving us headache. your accent sucks. and your breath stinks.

2 komentar:

asri saraswati mengatakan...

hahaha. kupikir aku saja yang aneh karena tak mengerti doi ngomong apa. sudahlah, kita makan fried mushroom dan mozarella saja.

neurotic freeloader mengatakan...

pengen kue coklat panas dengan es krim vanilla..