
the gold has worn off

kembali, saya ingin mengeluh. kali ini tentang seseorang yang (pernah) menjadi favorit saya.


ceritanya begini. hari minggu kemarin, setelah mengenyangkan diri dengan sebungkus nasi uduk yang cukup enak, iseng-iseng saya menonton sebuah rerun oprah. episode kali itu tentang salah satu sutradara (yang pernah jadi) favorit saya, michael moore. beliau diundang oprah sepertinya karena berkaitan dengan promo film barunya saat itu. judul filmnya sicko!©.


terus terang saya sudah membeli dvdnya (versi bajakannya tentunya). tetapi belum sempat nonton, karena sayangnya, laptop kantor yang sering saya korupsi penggunaanya untuk ber-dvd-ria itu menolak memutar cakram sicko!©. jadi tentu saja saya belum tahu apa isinya.


saya memang penggemar michael moore. terutama bowling for columbine. sebelumnya, saya juga pernah nonton fahrenheit 9/11 yang sempat ngetop banget di zamannya. lalu yakinlah saya bahwa selain tim burton, si michael moore ini memang pantas diidolakan. anda boleh cek halaman friendster saya. pasti di sana akan anda temukan bahwa saya (pernah) mengagumi karya-karyanya.


tapi, kemarin tampaknya saya kembali diingatkan dengan pengalaman menjengkelkan di zaman jahiliyah ketika saya jatuh cinta dengan ronan keating. memang, sebaiknya, jangan pernah terlalu fanatik terhadap sesuatu, karena di kemudian hari anda pasti kecewa. singkatnya, di episode oprah yang kemarin saya tonton, ada sebuah potongan adegan dari sicko!© yang membandingkan perlakuan pemerintah amerika terhadap kondisi kesehatan para relawan tragedi wtc dengan kondisi kesehatan para tahanan di gitmo alias guantanamo. sekedar info, banyak para martir atau syuhada alias para penjihad atau orang amerika lebih suka menyebutnya teroris (biar saja kalimat ini terdengar bias dan memihak 'teroris', toh, ini blog pribadi), yang ditahan di guantanamo. di potongan adegan itu, moore seolah-olah mengatakan bahwa pemerintah amerika tidak adil karena lebih memperhatikan para so called teroris itu.


dari potongan film itu, saya hanya ingin mengucapkan ini pada mr. michael moore:


dear mr. moore,


i know you probably pissed off with the fact that those terrorists (or whatever you want to call them) were given better health facilities than those volunteers of the nine-eleven. but just so you know, i know that the main rule in helping others is safety measurement. one should not allowed oneself to safe others if one may endanger others safety. this is called safer access, which purpose is to alleviate human suffering. NOT adding. so, if one feels one is incapable to do this, it is advised that one does not volunteer. otherwise he/ she will put others in danger. in short, to your nine-eleven volunteer colleagues, if they have no idea what they were get themselves into, then don't.


and also, your movie is biased. as you are pointing fingers. by doing that particular scene, you were subtly declaring that terrorists or whomever committed criminality is not allowed to have access to proper health facilities. says who, criminals and people deprived from their freedom are not allowed to get better health facilities. this is what some people continue to fight for.


i know what you meant was criticizing your own government. nonetheless, that one particular scene in your movie could have been done elsewhere. it might not get the exact ambiance that you were looking for, but it would have been more precise. you could have, for example, done a rally in front of the parliament or the whitehouse.


so, mr. moore, dear, i understand that you are a good american citizen who had to share sympathy to fellow americans who lost their relatives on nine eleven and also of those who were cheated by your country. and i am truly sorry for those americans who were given poor facilities. but please remember that whatever you do, there are more to life than just your tiny limbo call americanness.


gazillion other people outside america suffer because of america. if, a small amount of those people (despite their freedom deprivation) happy for having a proper facility from your government, would that be called unfair? now, why don't you make a movie about that?


i am not racist, i'm just humanist, and i thought you were too.


sincerely yours,



-your former big fan-

10 komentar:

bima bijak mengatakan...


Arif Budi Nugroho mengatakan...

thanx for your opinion about me:D swas, swas, mengeluh mulu, sekali2 melenguh lah:p

D S mengatakan...

bulan lalu saya ketemu dengan orang amerika dari american friends service committee yang tidak setuju dengan kebijakan pemerintahnya terutama perang di berbagai belahan dunia, dan saya berpikir ulang untuk mendefinisikan what so called "america". Peace Swasti-really missed the meeting laughters with you and the red crosser.

| Bayu Galih | mengatakan...

Aaahhhhhhhhh... *ngikutin bima* Bias?
Bias-bias pelangi di matanya?
Bias-bias kaca, lagunya Nia Daniaty...
Hehehehe... Ga jelas!

neurotic freeloader mengatakan...


neurotic freeloader mengatakan...

emang gw sapi?

neurotic freeloader mengatakan...

iya, sih.. tapi mereka ini sangat minoritas.. yang jelas sih para public figurnya masih sangat narrow minded.. padahal merekalah yang sering disorot yang otomatis jadi contoh masyarakat.. ah pusiiinggg

neurotic freeloader mengatakan...

udah lu ngarep aja gih sono!!!

| Bayu Galih | mengatakan...

Hwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Hwahahahahaha Hwahahahahahahahaa *because the sky is blue, it makes me laugh... not cry*

neurotic freeloader mengatakan...

langit biru??? it makes me sneeze